
Well Christmas is over for another year and we are back to normality. What projects are your working on this year?

Well we have hit the ground running carrying out electrical checks on properties for landlords. Are you a landlord? has your property been tested at the relevant intervals. EICR Electrical Condition Report tests  the fixed wiring iof the property and identifies any potential risks of electric shocks or fire hazards, any defective electrical work this could be down to age of installation, use or bad installations and highlight where there is a lack of earthing within the property.

The advice for carrying out EICRs  is 

10 years for owner occupied homes - if you are selling your property your buyer may ask for one or if you are buying a property you may want to ask for one.

5 years for a rented home and it is advised that it should be carried out upon change of tenancy

5 years most commercial properties including schools some may be more regular such as swimming pools that should be annually 

3 yrs for a caravan if your caravan/ holiday home is sited on a fixed site the site may ask you for EICR to comply with their insurance/health and safety  

The EICR does not check that appliances are working it is the safety of the electrical installation it checks  some websites for further information :- 



To test the safety of appliances the it is Pat testing that you require, many holiday home rental companies and long term lettings that have portable appliances (anything that plugs in) usually insist on items being pat tested on an annual  basis  this helps them ensure that all equipment is safe to use and reduces the risk of any injury being caused by unsafe appliances, insurance companies can also insist on this.

Although it is not a legal requirement it is recommended  to carry out on an annual basis  to help fulfill your obligation of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 which requires any electrical equipment that has the potential  to cause injury is maintained and in a safe condition. Some employee liability insurance will insist that its carried out as it lowers the risk of them having to pay out should something go wrong.

We offer both testing services here at Field View Electrical give us a ring and see what we can do for you. we have a large client base of  Landlords, holiday cottages and companies that we carry out the work annually we can even remind you of when your testing is due. After testing is completed your are issued with a full report and you also get a certificate to display for your PAT testing.

Some of the other jobs we have completed in the last few weeks replaced out of date smoke alarms - these should be replaced every 10 years and tested and cleaned regularly to ensure that they are working correctly. Repaired a large ceiling light fitting for a customer we removed it from the ceiling and brought it back to our offices where we removed a section of heat damaged cable and replaced the damaged lamp holder and returned and reinstalled it the customer was delighted as she had been given the light as a gift and didn't want to loose it.

This week it is shower week with 3 electric showers in one day needing attention luckily we were able to get them all working again in the first visit not sure all of the other 3 this week will be as straightforward!

So to celebrate the new year we have decided to do a bit of a giveaway all you need to do is go to our face book page give us a like and like and share the giveaway post for the chance to win a half coach lantern for the outside of your house. https://www.facebook.com/FieldViewElectrical16/photos/a.996734573719617/2099255873467476/?type=3&theater